Your Creative & Magical Life
How do we hold on to creativity and magic in a world that tries to separate us from both again and again? This podcast explores that question through the lens of Tarot, nature, and the lived experience of creative and magical humans who are making art, manifesting their visions, and changing the world as they go. Join creativity coach, Tarot reader, and writer Cecily Sailer on a cosmic, conversational journey to help you embrace you creative and magical life!
Your Creative & Magical Life
Microdose 6. Why you need alone time so you can deal with LIFE TIME
In this microdose episode (un-edited and ALMOST under 30 minutes!), I follow up on our Hermit and Wheel of Fortune conversations to explore why it's so important to seek out and enjoy solitude.
I talk about solitude as a place to center ourselves, discover what's true for us, commune with Spirit and Creativity, and just be in our own energy.
I also talk about how solitude helps us navigate when the Wheel of Fortune injects change into our lives. Rather than simply reacting, or responding based on old patterns, or doing what other people think we ought to do, solitude helps us move from a center that is OURS.
I also share a few choice quotes from Ranier Maria Rilke, and share an article about a modern-day hermit living in the French Alps.
"A Hermit's Reality" by Caitlin L. Chandler in The Nautilus
To Where God Dwells (documentary by Johannes M. Schwarz
One Year in the Life of a Part-Time Hermit (YouTube series by Johannes Schwarz)
"Ranier Maria Rilke on Solitude" by Paula Marvelly in The Culturium
This podcast is a production of Typewriter Tarot. Learn more & join us:
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