Your Creative & Magical Life
How do we hold on to creativity and magic in a world that tries to separate us from both again and again? This podcast explores that question through the lens of Tarot, nature, and the lived experience of creative and magical humans who are making art, manifesting their visions, and changing the world as they go. Join creativity coach, Tarot reader, and writer Cecily Sailer on a cosmic, conversational journey to help you embrace you creative and magical life!
Your Creative & Magical Life
14. Wheel of Fortune: Seeing Where the World is Gonna Take Me w/ Ami Plasse
In this episode, we explore the Wheel of Fortune archetype with visual artist Ami Plasse, who I first met in group therapy! We start out this conversation reliving our Wheel-of-Fortune origin story — how we went from strangers in a therapy room to friends and collaborators in the "outside" world.
Then we dive into the Wheel of Fortune card, exploring its rich symbolism and meanings, including "the unspeakable name of God" and the connection between god and change.
Ami also talks about the varied elements of his multifaceted art practice — how he started out working in creative-director and art-director roles in advertising and tech companies and moved toward work as an independent artist.
Ami details the different vectors his art takes — from drawing and illustration to animation, live-sketch drawing in Austin's music scene, painting utility boxes on street corners, and orchestrating group art projects.
We also get into the difficulty of figuring out what elements of an artistic practice to emphasize to both satisfy your passion and make money, what it took for Ami to leave corporate and strike out on his own, and the importance of starting your thing sooner (rather than later) and creating your own definitions of success.
Follow Ami on Instagram & check out his website. Follow his Central Texas Utility Box Project on Instagram, and support the project on Patreon.
Sound production & episode editing by Chantal de Felice.
Podcast logo design by Ami Plasse.
This podcast is a production of Typewriter Tarot. Learn more & join us:
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