Your Creative & Magical Life
How do we hold on to creativity and magic in a world that tries to separate us from both again and again? This podcast explores that question through the lens of Tarot, nature, and the lived experience of creative and magical humans who are making art, manifesting their visions, and changing the world as they go. Join creativity coach, Tarot reader, and writer Cecily Sailer on a cosmic, conversational journey to help you embrace you creative and magical life!
Your Creative & Magical Life
Microdose 4. What's fueling your creative journey and how would you like to travel?
This shorter episode is a follow-up to our conversation about The Chariot, where we apply Chariot-inspired questions to our creative work. I talk about the difference between internal and external motivation, and how the two can fuel our creative journey in very different ways. We also explore a series of questions to help you consider what kind of journey you want to have, and what you need along the way to get you where you want to go.
+ Make a list of the external motivators that are driving your work. List as many as you can think of.
+ In a separate space or opposite page, make a list of the internal motivators that are driving your work. List as many as you can think of — big, small, and everything in between. Come back to your two lists over a period of days and continue to add more as you can think of them.
+ What kind of container or vehicle would suit you for this journey?
+ What kind of emotional fuel will support you along the way?
+ What kind of resources will you need as you travel?
+ How might your ancestors provide support along the way?
+ What will make this journey meaningful for you, beyond the desired outcome?
~ Check out some art cars!
~ If you'd like to buy Tarot for Creative Spirits, use the code MAGICALLIFE at checkout to save $10.
This podcast is a production of Typewriter Tarot. Learn more & join us:
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