Your Creative & Magical Life
How do we hold on to creativity and magic in a world that tries to separate us from both again and again? This podcast explores that question through the lens of Tarot, nature, and the lived experience of creative and magical humans who are making art, manifesting their visions, and changing the world as they go. Join creativity coach, Tarot reader, and writer Cecily Sailer on a cosmic, conversational journey to help you embrace you creative and magical life!
Your Creative & Magical Life
Microdose 3. Your Art is a Transmission & an Act of LOVE!
This shorter episode is a follow-up to our conversations about The Hierophant and The Lovers, where we turn those cards into guides for our creative work.
Here, I'm sharing about how your art is a transmission — a broadcast of sorts, a message, a way of beaming something from inside of you to someone else. And even if no one sees what you create, your art can be a way for you to transmit something to your Future Self! I talk about why that's important, and how your art is also an act of love — for yourself and for others. Love is why we're here, my friends, and creativity is one way to express that. I explain how that works, and how this perspective can help us take the emphasis off perfectionism and imposter syndrome, so we can show up and CREATE!
Mentioned in this episode:
Check out Shanalee Hampton's embroidery work.
Check out Ami Plasse's illustration work.
Explore creativity coaching with yours truly.
This podcast is a production of Typewriter Tarot. Learn more & join us:
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