Your Creative & Magical Life
How do we hold on to creativity and magic in a world that tries to separate us from both again and again? This podcast explores that question through the lens of Tarot, nature, and the lived experience of creative and magical humans who are making art, manifesting their visions, and changing the world as they go. Join creativity coach, Tarot reader, and writer Cecily Sailer on a cosmic, conversational journey to help you embrace you creative and magical life!
Your Creative & Magical Life
Microdose 2. Why you need CREATIVE SPACE & how to get it…
In this shorter episode, I stay with The Emperor just a moment longer (see previous episode), and invoke his energy to talk about creative space and why Creative Spirits need it — and deserve it!
I talk about The Emperor's relationship to space as a container for his leadership, just like Creative Spirits need containers to move and hold their creative energy.
I also talk about different forms and kinds of creative space, what that can look like, and I share a story about recently giving up creative space, feeling pretty twisted up about it, and how I claimed a new space once again.
Finally, I share simple steps for increasing your creative space, while acknowledging that space is at a premium in late-stage colonial capitalism. But it's worth fighting for!
If you'd like me to speak to a creative challenge you're wrestling with, please use the form below and share your questions! I'd love to bring them on the show.
+ Meet Ami Plasse, who designed the YC&ML logo.
This podcast is a production of Typewriter Tarot. Learn more & join us:
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